Platform / Vendor Relationship Management (VRM)

For a French Public Utility, we have devised a Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) Platform.

Innovation: What’s it VRM?
VRM is a CRM designed for customers i.e. digital tools that enable them to share and exchange their personal information & preferences with the companies they choose.

The assignment:
• Benchmark the use of personal data by Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and some start-ups
• Map the user needs, UX/UI and customer journeys: privacy, control, sharing…
• Tools to find and centralize personal data and relationships with Companies and Public Administrations
• Tools to visualize personal data and who do what with your data
• Tools for managing digital identity and controlling personal information sharing
• Manage the project

Key Points:
Development of VRM tools and services: project under development
VRM brings better customer information which is more valuable for better personalization, better targeting, and better ROI.

Andreas Weigend, ex-chief scientist of Amazon, teacher at I teach at Stanford University and UC Berkeley

Doc Searls, The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge